Full Name
Trek Murray
Job Title
Quality Traits Market Manager
Beck's Hybrids
Speaker Bio
Trek is the Quality Traits Market Manager for Beck’s Hybrids in Atlanta, IN. In this role, he works with many premium end-user markets including hard endosperm, waxy, non-GMO and certified organic corn to find hybrids that fit these markets. Trek has worked in these specialty markets for over 10 years and enjoys connecting growers to end-users, creating a win-win situation. Beck’s is the largest family-owned retail seed company and third largest seed brand in the U.S. serving farmers across the corn belt. Recently, Beck’s has expanded into the Western Corn Belt where they continue to offer many choices to farmers.

Trek grew up on a family farm in Winchester, IN where they raised corn, soybeans and cattle. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Purdue University in agronomy with a focus in soil and crop sciences and has been with Beck’s for the last fifteen years. This background gives Trek a unique view from all directions – the farmer, seed company, and the end user.